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  • Zi Wei Fortune Teller

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    Yuan Tiangang first number of numerology scale bone division of God (四兩) Explain the severity of
    Wealth is easy to get, after hard, old to enjoy.
    There are obstacles in front of life, but the rest of the past is happy, the material condition is good.
    Bureau of fleeting life (火六局) Commentary
    The six-year-old began to transport.
    Before the shipment, only the fate of the board and no luck, meaning that only the personality has no luck.
    Fire symbolizes ritual, because there is a temper so more to observe the ritual, Shou can play out the nature of the bright positive side. Strong personality, Ituge, like to go forward; can be used in the nature of the personality of the Association.
    命 宮
    Represents a person's innate movement, the course of his life, and can judge the appearance, personality, talent and the achievement of life. He is also the beginning of a life plate, with the life of the palace to have other palaces. So he is also a person's personality traits, but also related to his outlook on life, value, style. But it must not be so developed, This is like the Life Palace show this person grumpy, but if they know their shortcomings, every time before anger know how to endure a few seconds in the attack, nature can be improved, Chimi, but do not resign. Another body palace, the Life Palace is on the inside, the body Palace partial external.
    • 本身 Looks
      Reference 75%
      1.In general, 【天機】 The people in the palace are usually smart and flexible, with more oval shape, moderate or thin stature, and medium height. Although it is a short temper, but the language polite, the words will be before the first thought, say the export.
      2.Usually more neurotic or sentimental, and popular with the opposite sex.
      3.Master thinking, Intelligence, making friends (servants) and the nervous system. If there are 【化忌】, there is usually a risk of injury to the limbs, resulting from damage to the nervous system.
      4.If 【化忌】, the limbs have the possibility of disability, resulting from nervous system damage.
      5.Sharp eyes, good at the sense of the eye, quick and good response.
      6.Eloquence is no hindrance, like to study academic, have excellent analytical power, understanding, memory, association power. It is also a master of sweet words.
      7.【巨門】 Because of the ability to speak, although sometimes it is easy to provoke a dispute, but he is not nonsense, but according to the content, but because in the language of the fight, so it is not easy to get help from others, they do not like to obediently obey the instructions of others.
      8.Honest, with a little arrogance, dissatisfaction with the reality, because he saw more than the average person in-depth thinking.
      9.Subjective strong, personality is slightly cold, but in fact, there is a heart caring for others. Like to challenge the fate, so have the opportunity to have great achievements, but life also more twists and turns.
      10.The female Life Palace has 【巨門】 star, the advantage is careful, the popularity is good, the disadvantage is not gregarious, own suspicion also will let the love change.
      11.【火星】 The person who lives will inadvertently offend others themselves do not know.
      12.The skin is sensitive, the hair is not easy to comb neatly, the tooth is not neat.
      13.Rough appearance, if 【擎羊】 in the life of the palace, when the childhood has been disaster or injury, strong personality, rough temperament, and people are not easy to get along with, stubborn aggression, work straight to straight. But from the advantage, he also brave perseverance, do not do dark things have perseverance.
      14.If with 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【左輔】, 【右弼】 The same palace, there will be spots of moles.
      15.【擎羊】 The symbol of harm, the star with it will reduce the development of the stars, the evil spirit with him, will also be reduced to the extent of victimization.
    • 天機
      1.The impact of the evil star on 【天機】 is stronger, 【天機】 the resistance to the evil star is weaker and unsuitable for 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【地劫】, 【地空】, 【化忌】 The same palace, will strengthen the force of the evil star. 【天機】 【化忌】 Will died alley to think, not easy to let go.
      2.【天機】 If with 【擎羊】,【陀羅】,【火星】,【鈴星】, it is easy to become only a clever, serious when there is a possibility of theft.
      3.【天機】 The main change, do not like to stay at home, the transport potential to seclusion at home, it is easy to quarrel at home and be afraid of loneliness. If you encounter a fortune (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), you can have a breakthrough development if you encounter 【化忌】, The representative life will have twists and turns, if is with 【天馬】 star This met also represents the possibility of increasing the relocation and change.
      4.【天機】 fit with 【左輔】,【右弼】,【文昌】,【文曲】, 【文昌】【文曲】 can increase 【天機】 of the intelligence and knowledge of the breakthrough thinking, 【左輔】【右弼】 (【祿存】【化祿】 also have the same effect) can stabilize 【天機】 too much change of thought, let life develop more smoothly, [38 【天鉞】 Can increase the good meeting, increase external to 【天機】 of help.
      5.【天機】 If the palace can learn not to die in the alley, you can think of the best, it's not too much for yourself, and it's better to get along with people around you. For example, if Lin Daiyu does not want to take things to the worst place, and what things are psychologically put, for themselves, his body will not be so delicate, To the person around, also can better get along with him.
      6.【天機】 【化忌】, will be pondering on some details, tangled up, and then difficult to open.
      7.Fleeting size limit has 【天機】, family easy to dispute.
      8.Will be the stars (【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】), a breakthrough in development.
      9.Will 【化忌】, there will be changes, if there is 【天馬】 star effect is the same, not things have to change or need to go abroad.
    • 巨門
      1.If there are 【化祿】,【化權】, better eloquence, more delicious. 【化祿】 will increase 【巨門】 sensibility,【化權】 will increase 【巨門】 of the rationality, and can use eloquence to gain wealth, but be careful to be unreasonable.
      2.With 【祿存】 the same palace, a life of Shun. With 【左輔】, 【右弼】 with the palace, the whole life is abundant. With 【文昌】, 【文曲】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】, suitable for engaging in public office or cultural industries.
      3.Not suitable with 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 the same palace, 【擎羊】 will increase the emotional entanglement, the body is easy to have small problems, may lead to surgery, 【陀羅】 represents the secret of emotional strife.
      4.【巨門】 with 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【白虎】 The same palace, be careful of criminal cases and litigation, if there is 【貫索】, pay attention to the prison of the disaster.
      5.【巨門】 【化忌】, more officious.
    • 火星
      1.Fit in with 【貪狼】, can form the fire greedy lattice, the work has the courage, the career will have a great play. can also be engaged in military, will have a good achievement.
      2.With 【左輔】, 【右弼】, 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 in the same palace, the right to acquire wealth.
      3.【火星】 with 【左輔】, 【右弼】 the same in the Life Palace represents a management ability.
      4.【火星】 with 【文曲】 the same palace, represents the feeling rich has the talent ability.
    • 擎羊
      1.【擎羊】 In the Life Palace, the relocation palace, the body Palace, the illness Palace, all represents the injury and the disaster.
      2.【擎羊】 In the same palace as 【火星】 or 【鈴星】, there is a sense of authority.
      3.【擎羊】 with 【天魁】, 【天鉞】 in the same palace, there are many opportunities.
    • 封誥
      1.Personality: Considerate, emotional, gentle and subtle words, love clean, aspirant.
      2.Trait: Smart, intelligent, prudent.
      3.Fenghao such as its name, sealed the Hao's life, can increase the same palace place in the main star, auxiliary star visibility, reputation, icing on the cake of a star.
      4.For examinations and public office benefits, but also increase visibility.
    • 天姚
      1.As with 【太陰】, 【破軍】, 【紅鸞】, 【天喜】 The same palace, all represents the choice of more than the heart, if with Evil Star (【擎羊】, 【陀羅】, 【火星】, 【鈴星】, 【地空】, 【地劫】) in the same palace, to be careful of the peach dispute with the multi-angle relationship.
      2.I want to be able to make a decision, do not easily parrot, remember not to fantasize too much to think too beautiful, and unrealistic, also do not because of the momentary vanity aroused greed.
      3.With 【文昌】, 【文曲】 and other literary and artistic stars in the same palace, to the unorthodox academic will have achievements, wealth or good.
      4.Size limit and fleeting encounter 【天姚】 star, the representative can have the opportunity to know the opposite sex friend, and the feeling progresses quickly, soon began to fall in love. The same palace has 【紅鸞】 and 【天喜】 even marry directly.
      5.【天姚】 The star alone is not the peach blossom, but the literary talent, has the research spirit and the popularity is good.
    • 旬空
      1.In the Life Palace indifferent fame and fortune, the success or failure of life repeatedly, drifting without roots. Like religious belief, also like to study philosophy, life study, more emphasis on spiritual life.
    • 沐浴
      1.Symbolize peach blossom, in that Palace is peach blossom. 【沐浴】 in the Life Palace and Children's Palace is the best, but to know too prosperous peach blossom is not necessarily a good thing, can maintain a certain distance and rules instead can turn to wealth.
    • 力士
      1.The five elements belong to the fire, representing the power, is the right star. Fit into the Palace of life, Body Palace, but bogey 【擎羊】, 【陀羅】 break through. In the Caibo Palace, official Lu Palace, the relocation palace is also good. If the main star has four (【化祿】, 【化權】, 【化科】) that is a year of hard work.
    • 病符
      1.The five elements belong to the water, on behalf of disaster disease, fleeting time encountered a representative resistance. Not suitable in the life Palace, body Palace, disease Palace, Fuk Tak Palace, the mood is low, the body is not good, always look unhappy appearance.
      2.Represents the illness, the fleeting encounter all represents the condition change, is not because of the sickness expense, is the illness aggravating, the Life Palace, the body Palace, the disease Palace, the Ford is not suitable.
    • 息神
      1.On behalf of depression, fleeting encounter should strengthen their willpower, don't get depressed. In the life, the Body Palace, all symbolize lifeless, will be depressed, work listless, lack of pioneering power. Flow month, day to 【息神】 Palace, will be easy to dispel the idea, no spirit, often yawn, doze.
    • 斗君

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